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The Georgian's Creed

Georgia State Creed

Georgia geology and topography map from  USGS: A Tapestry of Time & Terrain

Official State Creed of Georgia

"The Georgian's Creed," composed by Mrs. A.H. (Sexta Eavenson) Strickland, was officially adopted by Georgia legislature in 1939:

"Accepting, as I do, the principles upon which Georgia was founded, not for self but others; -- its Democratic form of Government, based on 'Wisdom, Justice and Moderation'; --its natural resources; -- its Educational, Social and Religious advantages, making it a most desirable place to live -- I will strive to be a pure upright Citizen, rejecting the evils -- loving and emulating the good.
I further believe it is my duty to defend it against all enemies, to honor and obey its laws, to apply the Golden Rule in all my dealings with my fellow Citizens.
I feel a sense of pride in the history and heroic deeds accomplished by my forebears, and shall endeavor to so live that my State will be proud of me for doing my bit to make my State a better Commonwealth for future generations."

Alabama and Arkansas also adopted state creeds, and the United States recognizes The American's Creed as the official national creed.
