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Tennessee Valley & Cowan Railroad Museums

Tennessee State Railroad Museums

Baldwin Locomotive 4-4-0 349 (1891) - Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum in Chattanooga TN; photo by Steph Gillett on Flickr (use permitted with attribution).

Tennessee's Official Railroad Museums & Railroad Library

Tennessee recognizes two official state railroad museums and a railroad library as a testament to the importance of the railroad in the state. All State Museums - All Railroad & Vehicle Symbols

Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum

In 1978, The Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum in Chattanooga (also home of the Chattanooga Choo Choo's Model Railroad Museum) was designated the official state railroad museum of Tennessee. 

Cowan Railroad Museum

In 2007, The Cowan Railroad Museum (located in Franklin County) was also designated an official railroad museum of Tennessee.

A.C. Kalmbach Memorial Library

In 2004, the A.C. Kalmbach Memorial Library (located in Chattanooga) was designated as an official railroad library of the state of Tennessee (this is the research library of the National Model Railroad Association).
